Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Optimism, engage.

I have to admit: my nearly month-long absence from the blogosphere is directly related to the absence of joy in my life. I've spent the past month being pretty miserable, whether I deserved to be or not, and deemed it unnecessary to prattle about on here pretending to be an optimist.

Well, here's where the winds of change kick in, people. Optimism, engage.

A friend from high school once told me that she kept a journal containing three things she was thankful for each day. Over the years I have tried to make this habit my own, but tend to fall off the wagon after a day or two. Looking back through my little "thankful book", the entries are very spread out and mostly talk about food. No really, I've counted six entries that say, "My bagel today was delicious". You can tell that was one of the rough days.

After spending so much of my time complaining and bemoaning my current unhappiness, I have decided that I need-- pardon my French-- a swift kick in the ass back into joy-ville. Why am I wasting my time and energy and words with misery? It's like a poison that has been leeching into every area of my life and it needs to stop. Taking the time to give myself a daily reminder of the things I can draw joy from is the best place to start.

So here I go: I challenge myself to take a daily inventory of the things I am thankful for, without fail, for the next week.

I have imposed one rule for myself: My entries can have nothing to do with grades, completing homework assignments, or anything related to academic performance. That isn't real joy. That isn't what life is about.

To jump-start this "assignment", I'll give three things that I (should) have been thankful for since September.

1) This e-mail from my undergraduate advisor. He always makes me laugh, and this message in particular lifted my spirits. It's funny to look back and think about how scared I was of him in my early years at college, and how, now, he has been such a rock and guide for me as I stumble down the path to a master's degree. "Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?"

2) My friends, old and new. I've somehow managed to compile a mix-matched crew with the best sense of humor. No doubt about it, these faces have kept me sane and made me feel loved and appreciated, even when I don't deserve it.

At David'sTEA during my "Birthday Weekend Extravaganza!" These folks (+Lexi) made it one of the best celebrations I've ever had. 
New friends out for the night in the LES last weekend.

3) Mom & Jordan came to visit! I am so lucky to have been a part of my brother's first taste of the Big Apple. We saw the sights, ate the eats, and walked til we dropped. The fact that he was chosen to participate in the Blue Man Group's show was only surpassed by our excellent visit to Five Pointz in Long Island City, Queens. I know that was definitely his favorite part! This sight was a great expanse of warehouses that were completely covered in graffiti-- commissioned by the owners, of course. It is amazing what these people can do with cans of spray paint! We were all sad to learn that they're planning to tear it down and build apartments there next year. If you want to have a say in this, check out their website and sign the petition to keep this space for art! Here was my favorite work of the trip:
Funky take on Beauty and the Beast?

Even now, remembering these three things has lifted my spirits and put a smile on my face. I seriously encourage everyone to give it a try. 

I'll check in again with the full effects a week from today!

1 comment:

  1. You're post put a smile on my face knowing you are on the road to being a Joyful Girl again!

